Info Lowongan Kerja Guru September 2014 English Teachers Needed In Central Jakarta .Salam kenalsaudara/saudari,banyak pabrik yang menyuguhkankesempatan kerjatetapi tidak menunjukkandeskripsi pekerjaan yang diinginkan olehkandidat danhal ini tentu saja bisa membuatcalon karyawanragu-ragu untuk memberitakaninfo peluang kerja yang diumumkanwalaupun mungkin kualifikasi yang diberikandapat dipenuhi oleh para pencari loker.Berikut ini ane tunjukkan adpertensiLowongan Kerja Guru September 2014 English Teachers Needed In Central Jakarta yang dipasangkan oleh admin untuk menegaskantentang bayangan tugas yang akan anda lakoni nanti.Dari pemaparan seperti tersebut lah, maka anda akanmempertimbangkan apakah anda bisamelaksanakan pekerjaan ini atau tidak,agar mengurangi jumlahcalon karyawan yang tidakbisa mengoptimalkan jabatan untuk mengurangi jumlahpencari kerja yang tidaklayak sekaligus mmpercepat pekerjaan perusahaan dalam prosespenyaringan terhadap pelamar.
Judul : Lowongan Kerja Guru September 2014 English Teachers Needed In Central Jakarta
Nama Perusahaan :
Bulan : September
Tahun : 2014
Penempatn ;
Upah : dinegosiasikan
Fasilitas/bulan : -
Tanggal buka : 4 September 2014
Jakarta is a rapidly-developing Metropolis and features all of the expected features of a bustling South-East Asian city, as well as being the ideal launch pad for travel to the many thousands of tropical islands and beaches that surround it.
Pt EF Suma Jakarta ( )
Our group is located right in the heart of Indonesia’s bustling capital city, Jakarta.
We are seeking native English speakers who hold a degree in English Language, English Literature, Linguistics TESOL or other “English” related subjects, to join us on a one-year renewable contract.
Interested? … Read on...
Who, Where and What:
We are a well-established group of 6 centrally located schools in the heart of Jakarta.
We are looking for enthusiastic, creative and reliable people to teach a variety of age groups and abilities in our schools.
Age ranges and Levels:
We teach 3-6-year olds; 7-10 year-olds; 11-14 year-olds; 15-18 year-olds and of course, adults.
Our students study at Beginner, Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate and Advanced levels.
Our Teachers:
Work a 40-hour week, of which up to 23 hours will be contact teaching hours.
Deliver lessons of the highest standard, to the best of their ability.
Administer tests, exams and assessments.
Prepare creative and innovative lesson plans, and materials before all classes.
Are expected to communicate effectively with other teachers and staff in their school.
We pride ourselves in the ongoing development of all teachers in our group. This is undertaken by the Director of Studies and Senior Teacher in each of our 6 schools.
Due to Indonesian immigration restrictions, all candidates must be aged between 25 – 52 during period of employment.
An accredited TEFL, CELTA / TESOL certificate.
A University degree in English Language, English Literature, Linguistics or TESOL.
A British, Australian, Canadian, New Zealand or U.S. passport.
A positive attitude and a strong teamwork ethic.
Adaptability, flexibility and an open mind with regard to your immersion and integration into a foreign culture
We Offer:
A one-year renewable contract.
A highly-competitive salary is offered to holders of degrees in English Language, English Literature, Linguistics,TESOL and other “English” related subjects.
Over-time payments if teaching more than 23 contact hours per week.
Reimbursement of return airfare from country of hire upon completion of 12-month contract.
A 12 month Kitas (work / residency permit).
22 days paid leave, plus all Indonesian public holidays.
Basic health insurance
Shared teacher housing accommodation.
Teachers with 2 years+ previous teaching experience may be hired on a 2nd or 3rd year teacher contract rate.
Teachers who choose not to take the teacher accommodation offer will receive an additional housing allowance.
Still interested?
Kindly reply as soon as possible to:
Simon Staniland / Rob Morgan (Recruitment Team, EF Harmoni Group, Jakarta).
Betul kadang pula mengharapkankerja yang tepat dengan ijazahsobat sendiri tidaklah mudah.Jadi, untuk itu amat diperlukan kecakapanyang cerdas untuk mendapatkan tanggung jawab secara cepat.Makasih sudah berkunjung informasiLowongan Kerja Guru September 2014 English Teachers Needed In Central Jakarta ini, ojo lali sebarkan berita pekerjaan inipada semua sahabat saudara yang membutuhkan informasi,semoga website pengumuman lowongan kerja ini dapat berhasil.
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