
Lowongan Kerja Accounting Jakarta Pusat September 2014 Jr. Cost Controller Grand Mercure

Dalam rangka mengembangkan usaha, Grand Mercure ingin mencari lulusan terbaik yang mempunyai skil mumpuni untuk bergabung di perusahaannya.

Info Lowongan Kerja Accounting Jakarta Pusat September 2014 Jr. Cost Controller Grand Mercure

Yuk! Kita simak infonya bersama-sama mengenai Lowongan Kerja Accounting Jakarta Pusat September 2014 Jr. Cost Controller Grand Mercure di Jakarta Pusat berikut ini :

Lowongan Kerja  Accounting Jakarta Pusat September 2014 Jr. Cost Controller Grand Mercure

Level of EducationBachelor / LicenceAreas of studyEconomy, Finance, AccountingProfessional experiences1 to 2 yearsLanguages essentialBahasa Indonesia (Primary tongue)Optional languagesEnglish (Working level)Essential and optional requirements
  • Excel
  • Power Point
  • Word
  • OpĂ©ra

Key tasks

Roles of the Financial Control Department:

1- Monthly Reporting:
- Participation in the development and analysis of statistics
- Production of a monthly reporting , on a given area, while ensuring on-time deadline and feedback of information: validation of the reliability of information, analysis, and synthesis for the Executive Committee and Board.
- Preparation of the turnover publication
- Supporting subsidiaries in their reporting (training, assistance, issuance of instructions and/or recommendations)
- Monitoring standards and procedures within the various Group subsidiaries
- Controlling the central functions (cost of seats, support functions ...)
- Creation of cross-sectional studies if the Finance service ask for it
- Maintenance and optimization of management tools (Hyperion Financial Management) Objective: The Group Financial Controller is the guarantor of the flow of information and good relations between the worldwide finance teams all over the Group.

2 - The annual forecast:
- Participation in the development of the Annual Budget Group
- Definition of the financial framework
- Organization / coordination of the process
- Analysis and validation of data reported
- Annual Budget Revisions (Rolling Forecast)
- Definition and optimization of financial processes

Terdapat banyak peluang kerja terbarudi internet, anda boleh mencicipi untukmendapatkan pekerjaan yang anda minati seperti Lowongan Kerja Accounting Jakarta Pusat September 2014 Jr. Cost Controller Grand Mercure.Tapi kali ini kami menyarankan agar mengambillowongan kerjaini sedapat mungkin, karena ane percaya bahwatingkat ekonomi keluarga esoknya juga akan lebihmampu jika anda bergabung bersama Grand Mercure berkualitas asing ini.Kami ucapkan terima kasih karena anda sudah mau melihat Lowongan Kerja Accounting Jakarta Pusat September 2014 Jr. Cost Controller Grand Mercure ini.

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